English Worship

English Worship Order
2023 April 2, 2:30pm -3:30pm
(Please stay after the service for fellowship, coffee and snack)

Greetings and Ice-breaking:
Sue Yau

Invitation to Worship Responsive: Isa 53:3 and Rev 5:11-13
Sue Yau

Praise and worship:
Evan Easom

Praise Song: あなたが全て

Prayer: Sue Yau

Praise Song: Across the Lands/初めにおられた神のみことば

Bible Passage : 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 to 6:2
Tadashi Inagaki

Message: Die to Live
Anna Rosengren
(Japanese translation:
Natsuko Katayama)

Praise Song: Christ is Risen

Closing Prayer: Sue Yau

Announcement: Sue Yau
1) Our next EWS will be held on May 7 (First Sunday afternoon of every month)
2) Please free feel to stay after the service for fellowship and coffee/snacks

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