Here is the program for our English Worship Service on Sunday, September 1.
- Messenger: Bruce (and Translator: Natsuko)
- Music instruments: Alex and Katy
- Power Point/ Media: Anthony
- Coffee/Tea prep: Laura L. and Natsuko
Worship ServiceInvitation to Approach God
Psalm 95 all verses (Natsuko: even verses & Sue: odd verses)
Praise Song #1 (Alex and Katy)Prayer (Anthony)
Praise Song #2 (Alex and Katy)
Hearing from God Genesis 2:1-3 (Tadashi)
Message: (Bruce & Natsuko) “A Foundation for Life_ Sabbath Rest
“Praise Song #3 (Alex and Katy) “Day by Day” (maybe new to some, so English Only)
Small Group Discussion/Application1) What are your thoughts about the Sabbath day? 2) What do you think would make you Sabbath day more refreshing?3) How can you move towards a personal “Sabbath Rest”? Are there prayers that we can pray for you in that regard?
Praying that our time together would strengthen us in following Christ and be an encouragement to each one.