Monthly English Worship Service on Oct.6(Sun) 14:30-16:00

Looking forward to fall and to our gathering on Sunday afternoon (2:30 pm). Here is the program for our English Worship Service on Sunday, October 6.

  1. Messenger: Bruce   (and Translator: Natsuko)
  2. Music instruments: Alex and Katy 
  3. Power Point/ Media: Anthony
  4. Coffee/Tea prep: Laura L., Natsuko and Laura H. 

Worship Service

Invitation to Approach God      Psalm  47 all verses  (Alex: odd verses, group: even verses)

Praise Song #1 (Alex and Katy)Prayer  (Laura H.)

Praise Song #2 (Alex and Katy) 

Hearing from God    Genesis 2:4-25   (one verse each going around the group)

Message: (Bruce & Natsuko)   “A Foundation for Life_ God’s Provision and Purpose for Mankind”

Praise Song #3   (Alex and Katy)   
Small Group Discussion/Application

1) What are your thoughts about God from this passage?

 2) What are your thoughts about man? And, what do you think Adam felt when he received Eve? What do you think Eve felt?

3) How can you maintain healthy relationships with both men and women? What are the boundaries? Are there prayers that we can pray for you in that regard?

Praying that our time together would strengthen us in following Christ and be an encouragement to each one. 

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